Find It in Northbrook Highlights Local Holiday Shopping & Dining

With holiday shopping in high gear, the Chamber’s Find It in Northbrook campaign is maximizing its platforms to promote local businesses. Engaging social media videos, community-oriented text messages, increased brand visibility, and prize drawings for shoppers combine to attract traffic into Northbrook stores.
A partnership between the Chamber and the Village of Northbrook, Find It in Northbrook is a year-round promotion strategy for all Northbrook retailers and restaurants. During the holiday season, expanded initiatives showcase the wide variety of options available in the Village.
“Our overall message is simple: when you’re looking for the perfect gift or dining experience, you can definitely Find It in Northbrook,” explains Kathi Quinn, NCCI Executive Director. “The goal is to get that message out to Northbrook residents and beyond. This is not just a Shop Local campaign; Northbrook can be a great shopping destination for anyone in the Chicagoland area.”
The program’s new holiday initiatives for 2023 include:
Social media videos spotlighting specific shopping areas within Northbrook. These energetic videos with holiday flair feature local business owners, sparkling decorations, and tempting food items. Videos will be posted each week to the Find It in Northbrook accounts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
“Find It and Win” weekly prize drawings will promote Northbrook shopping between Black Friday and Christmas Eve. This year, entering the contest will be especially easy using the Find It in Northbrook text program: shoppers who spend at least $20 in a Northbrook store or restaurant can text their name and a copy of their receipt to enter in just seconds. Each week, a winner will be drawn for gift card prizes worth $50. Details at
Find It in Northbrook window decals to raise awareness of the platform among business patrons. Any business that would like to display a decal in their storefront can contact Carolyn Gessner,
Advertising in the Daily Herald’s Small Business Saturday special section elevated the Find It in Northbrook message beyond the local community and promoted the Find It and Win contest.
Illuminate Northbrook Coupons were distributed at the Village’s annual Illuminate event on November 17. Eighteen local businesses signed up for the coupon promotion that ran from November 17 – 22, offering 10% off purchases.
Northbrook businesses are encouraged to participate in these opportunities throughout the holiday season. Watch for a visit from Melissa Levine, Sweet Melissa Media visit to your area and join in the video preparation.
- Display Find It in Northbrook window decals and contest info; contact Carolyn Gessner, Communications Director, to receive materials
- Tag @finditinorthbrook on your business’s Facebook and Instagram posts
- Share holiday promotions in the Find It in Northbrook text programs and/or as Hot Deals.
These marketing opportunities are available at no cost. To learn more, contact Carolyn Gessner at (847) 513-6005 or